Aargh Software

Aargh Software helps property managers deliver exceptional resident service with less effort and fewer complaints. One firm used Aargh to create 84% of their service tickets automatically, saving 936 admin hours last year.

Enjoy a 30-day free trial, free training, and no set-up costs of one of Aargh’s three solutions for FCR (First Contact Resolution):
  • Email2CRM: converts emails into service issues and history/notes
  • Web2CRM: creates service issues from online forms
  • Notify!!!:  keeps residents informed

Better Resident Service With Less Effort

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400,000+ Emails & Forms Processed

Aargh enhances First Contact Resolution (FCR) by streamlining service issue creation, resolution and resident communication, minimizing the need for staff to repeatedly handle issues.

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1000+ Days Of Saved Admin Time

Property management is a business of time and money; Aargh Software can help you save both. We reduce wasted admin time to allow staff to focus more on directly serving residents and managing owners.

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663% More Service History/Notes

By having more resident service and property information in Rent Manager, Aargh speeds up issue resolution, increases admin capacity, enhances staff collaboration, and reduces risk.

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Email2CRM: Email Inbox Management

Instantly create service issues and history/notes from Outlook or Gmail emails: for tenants, units, properties, owners & vendors, with attachments. AutoAdmin monitors general info@firm.com inboxes.

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Notify!!!: Automated Service Emails

Aargh Notify!!! acts as your communication assistant, automatically sending personalized ‘Created,’ ‘Updated,’ and ‘Closed’ emails to keep residents informed throughout the resolution process.

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Web2CRM: Residents Submit Online Forms

Provide residents with intuitive website forms to submit data, files, images, signatures, etc… When a form is submitted, Web2CRM creates a service issue in Rent Manager. We can help with forms, too.

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For more information about Aargh Software, click the link below.

Alex Casuga
Associa Property Management
Rent Manager Testimonial Left Quotation Mark
Aargh must be working, I’ve been getting less resident complaints!
Rent Manager Testimonial Right Quotation Mark