Keep Track with Service Issues

Service issues help your team organize and stay ahead of your ever-changing list of maintenance tasks. Create, track, manage, and resolve service issues from within your database. Turn service management into a revenue generator for your business with Rent Manager.

  • Issues icon
    Service Issue Statuses

    Thoroughly track your maintenance progress with Service Issue Statuses. Statuses describe the current condition of your projectNew, Work in Progress, Resolved, etc. Sort your issue list by status as you’re filtering through which assignments need to be resolved.

  • Service Tech Map icon
    Complete Service Issues in the field

    rmAppSuite Pro users can manage and update the service issue stage on their smart device while they’re still on the job. Project progress can be updated in real time and tenants can electronically sign off on completed work.

  • Memorized Service Issues icon
    Memorized Service Issues

    Avoid redundant data entry with Memorized Service Issues. If you create issues for the same maintenance tasks over and over again, memorize them to save the name, description, and other issue details, so you can populate the form in the future with just one click.

  • Assign Service Issues icon
    Assign Service Issues

    Efficiently delegate maintenance tasks by assigning service issues to other Rent Manager users. Users can even create an Automated Notification to alert them when they’ve been assigned a new task.

Maintenance Scheduling

Our Maintenance Scheduling tool offers a simplified approach for maintenance coordinators to establish workflows that efficiently manage their technicians’ schedules and day-to-day repair and upkeep appointments. Easily group properties and technicians to manage availability and input your maintenance team’s working hours effortlessly. Plus, the Tech View in the rmAppSuite Pro mobile app allows employees to quickly review their daily schedules any time, anywhere.

Further, residents can use Rent Manager’s Tenant Web Access (TWA) portal or the rmResident mobile app to select time slots to schedule service requests—saving you and them valuable time. And automated notifications can be sent directly from Rent Manager Express when requests are created, scheduled, confirmed, and closed—keeping everyone informed.

RM Issue Checklists Screenshot

Issue Checklists

Manage and conquer your to-do list with Issue Checklists. Implement Issue Checklists for service issues that require several steps to be accomplished before final completion. Create a checklist item for each step of the process. When a step is finished and marked as completed in Rent Manager, you can advance the issue to another user in the process—inspiring a fluid, easy-to-follow workflow.

RM Service Tech Map Screenshot

Service Tech Map

Track your service techs’ locations and gauge productivity levels with the Service Tech Map. When an rmAppSuite Pro user checks in to a service issue, the map will update their location using the device’s GPS.

This innovative mobile capability fully integrates with your Rent Manager database and enables you to open the map in the office to see how efficiency levels are faring. 

RM Work Orders Screenshot

Work Orders & Integrated Billing

Simplify your payables and receivables by integrating billable expenses into work orders. This billing and invoicing tool allows you to charge back expenses to tenants or owners in the form of invoices, and optionally add a markup amount to each billable expense as part of the reimbursement.


Inspections play a major role in the maintenance process. Streamline and standardize your inspections procedures with Rent Manager. Inspection reports include important details that provide a complete picture of the inspection process. Inspection templates are completely customizable, allowing you to create assessments based on the unique specifications of each property and unit type.

  • Birds Eye View Manager icon
    Video Inspections

    Take your inspection process to the next level with video inspections. This powerful tool allows you to capture videos of your property and units on your mobile device while in the Inspection feature of the rmAppSuite Pro mobile app. Once the inspection is uploaded, you can access your videos directly in Rent Manager.

  • Reports Inspections Icons
    Inspection Templates

    These helpful forms remove uncertainties from the inspection process. Clearly define the areas and elements of a unit that need to be reviewed so your maintenance techs can proceed with confidence. Your customizations can also be saved and used for future inspections.

  • rmInspection icon
    rmAppSuite Pro Integration

    Inspections can be conducted from start to finish via the rmAppSuite Pro mobile app. Make notes, take photos, and schedule work orders in the field from your smart device—all of which is synced to Rent Manager.

  • Paste icon
    Create Service Issues from Inspections

    After an inspection is complete and you’ve identified the areas that require maintenance, you can effortlessly create service issues for any items that require attention.

RM Make-Ready Screenshot

Make Ready Boards

The make-ready process is often costly and labor-intensive. Simplify unit turnover with organization and clear task delegation via Rent Manager’s Make Ready Board. This feature displays the units you’ve assigned a make-ready process, with color-coded statuses for associated service issues and inspections. Make your to-do lists more manageable with Make Ready Boards.

Metered Utilities

The Metered Utilities module simplifies utility billing and integrates seamlessly with Rent Manager. Every billing period, you’ll enter in your meter readings and quickly charge your tenants for their utility consumption. Meter readings can be conveniently entered into the software through a multitude of different avenues; scanners, mobile devices, and imports to name a few. Make the most of your time in the field with meter readings using rmAppSuitePro, our mobile app for Rent Manager features on-the-go.

  • Meter Types icon
    Track Multiple Meter Types

    Establish Meter Types and create a consumption calculation method for each. Standard Meter Types are used to calculate utility charges with fixed rates and consumption ranges.

  • Line Graph icon
    Monitor Consumption History

     Individual meter readings are entered for gas, water, sewer, and electric. Consumption History allows you to view the rate of consumption for your tenants and units over time.

  • Tenants icon
    Bill Tenants

    After you’ve entered Meter Readings, post multiple utilities for your properties all at once. This streamlined solution bills your tenants effortlessly.

  • Metered Utilities Plus icon
    Metered Utilities Plus

    Metered Utilities Plus is a more-advanced resource for complex utility billing systems. This user-friendly module processes utilities in states and regions—including Texas, California, Michigan, and Arizona—that require special calculations.

project management

Project Management

Transform multifaceted tasks—like tenant move-ins and move-outs—into straightforward steps. Ensuring that your units are move-in ready and/or initiating the unit-turnover process can be time- and labor-intensive, and doing so requires clear communication between your team and your tenants.

Getting organized is the first step, and Rent Manager can help!

Ideal for portfolios of every size, Rent Manager is your key to an effective and efficient property management business.

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Diana Clapp
Current Management
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Rent Manager stands out because of its customer service. It gives us peace of mind to know we can call anytime and have someone live help us immediately.
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